Web Development

Why Node.js is the Ideal Platform for Real-Time Application Development?

Uzma Naz | July 27, 2022
Why Node.js is the Ideal Platform for Real-Time Application Development?

With the advent of social media and online gaming, real-time applications have become increasingly popular. Particularly with millennials who spend hours chatting and playing games online. There are many platforms to develop such applications, but Node.js has emerged as one of the most popular options. 

But why so? You might be floating with questions like:

What are the benefits of using Node.js for developing real-time applications? Do their benefits outweigh their drawbacks?

Well, in this article, we’ll explore these questions and come up with answers that will help you determine whether Node.js development would be right for your project. Let’s get started! 

What is Node.js: A Quick Overview

Node.js is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It lets an app development company use JavaScript to write command line tools and server-side scripts, run web servers, and even create desktop applications. 

Besides, Node.js is an event-driven platform, meaning developers can write code that responds to events like user input, database changes, or network events. In back-end development, node.js provides a more efficient alternative to many data-intensive tasks such as crawlers and web scrapers because it is lightweight and uses less memory than other technologies like Ruby on Rails or PHP.  

Furthermore, Ryan Dahl is the creator of Node.js. When he first started the project, it was a side project; soon after, he gained widespread interest outside his work at Google. Therefore, Dahl abandoned his job on the Chrome team to focus on developing NodeJS full-time.

Real-Time Apps: What Are They?

A real-time app is one that updates as new information comes in without any delay. This could be a chat app where messages need to be delivered instantly. Or a stock trading platform, where changes in prices need to be reflected immediately. 

Take a look at the many ways real-time features can enhance your users’ daily lives

1. Real-time Messaging:  

Whether it be through Facebook Messenger or Slack, real-time messaging has transformed how we communicate with one another. It can even serve as an integral part of some people’s job duties. In fact, the average person spends about 64 texts per day on these applications alone! Imagine how much time could be saved if all those texts were instant messages instead?

2. Real-time Notifications:

 When you think of real-time notifications, your mind probably jumps to push notifications, but they can be so much more than that! Any time your app needs to inform a user of a change or prompt them to take action immediately, it’s a real-time notification! 

3. Real-time Collaboration: 

Many team collaboration apps like Google Docs allow multiple people to work together on the same document simultaneously. With this type of functionality, it’s important for everyone to see live updates to avoid duplicate work and wasted effort. 

4. Live Streams:

It might be hard to imagine a world without live streams, but it wasn’t that long ago that streaming video content was strictly limited to cable television and DVDs. Today, dozens of live streaming apps like Facebook Live, Twitter’s Periscope, and YouTube Live enable users to broadcast what they’re doing in real-time to followers worldwide!

5. IoT Devices:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is here, and it’s already making our lives more convenient in countless ways. IoT technology is already being used, from home appliances that can be controlled remotely to fitness trackers that sync data with mobile apps. A mobile app development company is using IoT to develop a new app to help people manage their health in real-time. 

Node.js in Real-Time Apps: Why It Matters?

In the world of real-time applications, speed is everything. And that’s where Node.js comes in. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is designed for speed and scalability. That means that it can handle a large number of concurrent connections with low latency. That makes it perfect for real-time applications like chatbots and live streaming platforms. 

These apps must respond quickly to events, which requires a lot of processing power to happen in near-real time. Node.js uses an event loop instead of threads or processes, meaning there are no idle pauses while waiting for other tasks to finish. The result? Your app responds faster to events and eliminates long waits on the user’s end. 

Plus, because Node.js works well with REST APIs and async programming, it can also reduce the amount of data sent over the network when handling multiple requests at once. Ultimately, this all translates into better application performance – not just better response times!

If your company needs an application built using node.js, you should contact one of the Node.js development companies today! 

Let’s see some more details about node.js and how it can help you build better real-time applications.

Advantages of Node.js in Real-Time Application Development

Node.js has a few features that make it particularly well-suited for real-time applications. Let’s explore these advantages of Node.js development in detail and understand why they are so important to the success of your project. 

1. Speed

A key feature is its ability to handle concurrent requests efficiently, which means that a given request can be served faster than other technologies. For example, if you have an app sending out live updates about scores or gameplay, 

Node.js will serve those requests more quickly than Java, Ruby, or Python since the application does not need to wait for code execution between requests before responding. That makes it perfect for social media, where users expect fast responses. 

2. I/O bound tasks

When handling I/O bound tasks, Node.js also shines because of its event loop architecture that allows an application to process as many tasks as possible without blocking any one task (in contrast to traditional web servers). With this technology, developers can focus on writing code instead of spending time figuring out how best to allocate resources. 

3. High scalability and event-driven code

Since Node uses a single thread to process input/output tasks, it can handle as many tasks as possible without blocking any particular request. 

Thus, this enables more throughput and makes Node particularly suited for server-side applications like chat, gaming, or messaging platforms where high numbers of users are generating lots of activity at any given time – perfect for keeping users connected 24/7. On top of all that, Node.js is easy to scale thanks to its non-blocking design, making it a powerful tool for large enterprise systems. 

4. Data handling

Node.js provides seamless data transfer and rendering between the client and server. Node ensures that data is always available so developers can deal with real-time data more effectively.

5. SEO friendliness

Most people don’t know that website speed directly impacts SEO performance. Slow sites tend to rank lower on search engine results pages because the search engines believe they offer an inferior user experience. By using Node.js, you can ensure speedy page loading times, which translates into better rankings in SERPs. 

6. Proxy server

Node.js is an excellent option for developing server-side applications. It is usually coupled with the Nginx proxy server, which handles requests from the outside world and passes information to Node.js. This combination delivers excellent performance and reliability, particularly helpful for enterprises looking to deploy an application globally.

Final Words!

Node.js is a powerful tool for real-time applications. It’s fast, efficient, and easy to use. Plus, it has a large community of developers who always create new modules and tools to make Node.js even better. 

If you want to create a real-time application, give Node.js a try! You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity, and efficiency Node.js provides for your project. Plenty of resources are available for you to learn more about Node.js, so take advantage and get started today!

Besides, contact a Node.js development company to help build your next big idea. They have experience building scalable, high-performance solutions and can deliver on thousands of projects across various industries.